This weekend was a busy, but fun one for me.. I had two orders and some 'just for fun' stuff I decided to do. The first was an Easter cake for a co-worker of mine, Karen. She knew exactly what she wanted, which was nice for a change. I truly love being creative, but sometimes it's nice to have some direction! She asked for a small cake with a cross on top, made out of roses. I did my own twist and added the rolled roses, which are more my 'style', I think. I added a couple of butterflies and a banner and it finished it off perfectly! It was white cake with lemon curd filling (which was my first time using-YUM!) and covered in fondant. I apologize for the bad lighting- one of my children lost my SD card for my nice camera, and I haven't had time to replace it yet... So for now I'm just thankful we still have the back-up!

The second cake I did was for a co-worker of my brother-in-law, Vince. Lisa is apparently a dispatcher for his department and called me up to do her 28th birthday cake. I was pretty excited when she told me the theme was 'Little Black Dress'! It sounded SO cute to me. She loved the leopard cake I had done before, and wanted to add some pink to brighten it up a little. I added the black dresses along the side to give at an extra touch, and the feathers for just a little more... I think she liked it, and I had fun doing it! It was a chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream filling, all covered in fondant. I actually started playing with gum paste recently, so I did the bow and banner out of 50/50 fondant/gumpaste. I really like the texture of gumpaste and can't wait to start experimenting with it more.

And last, but not least, I volunteered to bring cupcakes for our Easter festivities at my in-laws'. As you know I can't do anything simple, so I had fun with some techniques I've been wanting to try! Half of the cupcakes I covered with fondant that I had hand-stamped with a flower stamp. I topped them with pastel fondant bows. The others I topped with a new version of my buttercream. I am super excited about this new recipe, so after some experimenting, I finally got it right! I won't be giving this one away this time... :) I also tried another new technique with these cupcakes- filling! I made white cupcakes and filled some with raspberry preserves and some with lemon curd. The others were just plain chocolate. I definitely liked them, and I think mostly everyone else did too! I love when I actually get to try my creations... Keep posted, I've got a VERY busy week ahead! :)