These last couple of weekends have definitely kicked off my summer! Thankfully, June is (almost) over, so my vacation starts NOW!! I had the privelege of making sweets for a couple of weddings, anniversaries, goodbyes, and birthdays this month. A fun month, for sure, but ready to see what the summer holds for my family and I. This will be my last post for a while... enjoy the sunshine!!!
Bernie & Danny's wedding
(My first 4 tiered cake!!!)

My Goddaughter Gillian's friend Daphne was moving...

... so we made her a cake!!

(and cupcakes:)

Father's Day sweets
(Credit to
Bakerella's wonderful idea!:)

Bob & Francis's 60th (WOW!)
wedding anniversary

Amanda & Matt's wedding

My nephew's 16th!!!
Time flies....