I did it! 7 (actually 8, as of today) cake orders done! I have to say, I'm pretty proud of myself for making it through this week. And now for the final products...
Bekah's 5th birthday cake
Rainbow chip cake covered in vanilla buttercream
Flowers & accents made of fondant

Christina's bridal shower cake :)
Chocolate chip cake with chocolate buttercream filling
Covered in fondant with fondant flowers & dots

Amy's baby shower cake & cupcakes
Chocolate cake w/ bavarian cream filling, and white and choc. cupcakes
Covered in fondant w/ fondant accents. (Baby is made out of fondant, too)

Set up at the church. These are my cupcake stands a friend of mine found for me at Target!

Sherann's baby shower cake
Top: choc. chip cake w/ choc. buttercream filling
Bottom: white cake w/ rasp. filling

Nancy's leopard cake (similar to one I've done before)
Chocolate cake with mocha buttercream filling
Covered in fondant w/ fondant bow