As you can tell from the lack of posts I've been pretty busy (still) so here's to catch up from the last few weekends...
Our niece Mikayla turned 15 last weekend, and I HAD to whip up something cute for her! She said her favorite colors were purple and green, so here's what I came up with!

Kristin's baby shower cake, made mostly by my sis Amy!! She did the turtles and spots for me- what a lifesaver!! Cake was chocolate chip flavor with chocolate ganache and bavarian cream fillings.

From last weekend- Dylan's birthday cake. Anybody tell they're Cowboy fans???

Valerie & Darryl's wedding cake!!
This was a super fun (and stressful) cake for me... After getting all of the kinks worked out (and the LONG, bumpy drive to Palos Verdes) this cake turned out beautifully. Flavors were white cake with raspberry and bavarian cream fillings, my "black & white" cake (chocolate and white cakes alternated with chocolate ganache and bavarian cream fillings), and lemon cake with lemon curd and vanilla buttercream filling. Val actually called me today to thank me for her cake. That was SO rewarding!! Congrats to the happy couple!!

Sponge Bob cupcakes for Isabelle's birthday. I had a blast with these too! Took a bit to get him just right, but turned out great!!

Isabelle's special cupcake :)

...a closer look :)