These cupcakes I GLADLY made for my friend Erin's baby shower. She is such a special and wonderful person, and am so excited for little Michael to come!

Here's a close up- they were chocolate w/ peanut butter frosting and chocolate chip w/ vanilla buttercream. You could smell the peanut butter from a mile away... yummy!!

This was for my friend April's little neice, Laila. She has lots of allergies, so April asked if I could decorate a cake & cupcakes that her mommy made especially for her. I was glad to help out and LOVED doing this cake!!

And, lastly, a cake for Emily- an amazing MOPS leader and home-schooling mommy, that I admire!! Little Micah is due any day and we all can't wait to meet him! I had lots of fun with this one, too! :)