Monday, September 21, 2009


So, after many talks with my husband and friends and debates in my head, I have decided to cut down on the number of cake orders I will be taking. The stress of trying to juggle 3 kids, a part-time career as a nurse (as little as it it right now), and working at home in between, has really started to take a toll on me. I pretty much "hit the wall", as my friend likes to say, this past weekend. And for those of you who are thinking "I knew she wouldn't be able to keep up", I just want to thank you for your support. I really love making cakes, but when my kids beg me not to, it's hard not to look at their little faces and tell them no. So for now, the posts will be getting fewer (not gone though), and please don't be upset if I have to tell you "no" for a cake order. My sanity will thank you!! I appreciate all of your support and encouragement, and maybe in a few years I'll be ready for more....


  1. You are an amazing cake-maker!!! And you are a great juggler...And a wonderful MOMMY!
    The time will come in a few years where you will have a BSweet Cake store...and we will all be there buying them as well!

  2. As always, your kiddos should and do come first! Raising 3 kids is tough enough and look at all the other stuff you do! Never doubt yourself Aly, none of us do.

  3. It will be so much better when they are all in school. Then you can quit working and just do cakes! It will be awesome!
